Sunday, January 19, 2014


I was able to get together with my sis-in-law Ambeelou this week for lunch. We haven't gotten together in such a long time and it was so good to sit down and catch up with my sis. We planned to meet at the Mandarin in Bountiful cause I had heard such amazing things about their food. But when I arrived, sad day, they don't open till 5!?! But I did know of another good chinese restaurant so we met at Joy Luck in Woods Cross instead. I had the Walnut Shrimp... MMMMMMMMmmmmmm! I'm drooling just thinking about it again. It was so good! Ambee and I had good laughs too, just like old times!

This weekend Twinkie and I turned the library into the new baby's room. We cleaned the room out. Moved my new glider/recliner into the room and put together the crib. It was so exciting to see the room transform into our baby Rock's room. And with only 6 weeks till he's here, our anticipation is skyrocketing.

While we were doing that Bug asked if he could take a picture of me and the Skunk...

Then of course Skunk had to have a turn behind the camera. Bug thought he was so funny pointing to my butt. He was cracking up!

And our lil Dude supervising the whole thing.

Here is Twinkie, I found him hiding in Baby Rocks room before church this mornin, just having some peace and quiet.

Another one of my goals for the new year is to hold family home evenings. I'm not holding myself to unrealistic expectations. I know I won't be doing it "every" week. Especially with a c-section around the corner. But I do want to do more than I did last year. So if I hold more that 3 I'll have succeeded. LOL! I really would like to do at least one a month. We held our first one for the year tonight. I believe typically LDS families hold their FHE on Mondays, but the way my work schedule is we decided Sunday nights work best for us. And I figure as long as we are doing it, well then it doesn't matter what day we do it on. Tonight we talked about our family unity and teamwork. We made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies together. While the cookies baked we talked about how each ingredient is not more important than the other and they all have their own special job. Also, we talked about how the cookies wouldn't be as good if we left out one of the ingredients. Then we likened it to our family. No one in our family is more important than the other and we each bring something special to our family. We each took turns telling each of our family members what our favorite thing is about the other and what we feel they bring to our family. It was good to hear what each of us had to say about each other and feel the love. We also touched on how baby Rock will be joining our family soon and will bring something new to our family. Something that will make our family better. It will be neat to see what it is. We ended with a discussion on how we can better support each other and how we can make teamwork bring unity to our family. Then we enjoyed some delicious warm cookies! We had some time to kill before bed and since Bug has been learning about american folklore characters in cub scouts we got in our pj's and put on Tall Tale. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Birthdate set, Lunch date & Skiing

I went to the chiropractor this morning. Much needed, it had been 3 weeks and I've been used to going every 2 weeks so my back was really screaming for it today. I also had an ultrasound today and we scheduled the c-section. It's so exciting to have an official day to count down to!! Dr. J says he's 3lb 14oz. Right on target!

After that I went to the boys school and checked the Skunk out for a lil lunch date. I want to do this with each of my boys more often, in fact more like once a month. I came across this pin and this pin on Pinterest that inspired me. One mother has written in letter form what her expectations are for her son when he starts dating. I love this letter! Also, she started taking her boys on dates when they were very young with the whole purpose of teaching them how to date. The other mother remembers her dad taking her on his lap and validating who she is by talking about her talents and putting a letter on each of her fingers that stood for each thing she was good at. I loved these ideas!! Besides, I only have m'boys for so long before they are grown men on their own. I want these times and memories with them. So anyway, Skunk was so confused when he came to the office. As we walked outside I told him that the reason I was checking him out of school was so we could go on a lunch date and I told him he could pick anywhere he wanted to go for lunch. He picked Chili's so off we went! I'm sure I was being overly sentimental about the whole thing and to him it was probably just a fun lunch with mom. But I couldn't help but ponder on how he is no longer going to be just the lil' brother. He is going to be a big brother and that is something BIG for him. He is excited about it and we talked about how things will change and how I will need his help. He looks forward to it and seems to have no concerns. I know there will be days though that he will want to send this baby packing, but that's normal.
 I think it's funny that we went to Chili's so he could order a corn dog... the truth is he loves the endless chips and salsa. Which we completely stuffed ourselves with.

After lunch we went to pick Bug up from school. I plan on taking him to lunch next week for our one on one date. We ran out to Big 5 and purchased some new snow boots for Skunk. I can't believe the ones I purchased for him a month and a half ago fell apart already! Then we hurried home to start homework before we had to get up to the ski resort for their first ski lessons. 
 They got all their nice new coats, snow pants, gloves, helmet and goggles for Christmas just for this. They have been so excited for this day to come, it's been like a Christmas count down.

 After I took a few shots of them for the first half hour then I headed over to my in-laws house and hung out with my FIL One-Eye. We chatted a bit and started to watch 42. I was loving it so he lent it to me so I could finish it at home with Twinkie. I got back to the resort 20 minutes before the lessons were finished for the night. I could not believe my eyes! M'boys were skiing and fast too! They were just having a blast. I guess next week they will even get to ride the real ski lift and come down a bigger mountain! CRAZY!! It makes me excited to get out there with them next winter when I'm not so preggo. M'boys will have 4 more lessons this winter. I can't wait to see them go, go, go! This is one proud mama!
When we got home Bug and Skunk helped Twinkie with shoveling the snow. They were in charge of our massive deck. Then we had dinner, finished homework and had prayers and into bed. This is the first night in a long long long long long long LONG time since they have gone to bed and there was not talking or whispering or giggling. They were out as soon as their heads hit the pillow!! AWESOME!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year.... Happy New Blog!

One of my new years resolutions is to start blogging again and to start using my camera more. It's been 3 years since I blogged and I've missed it. I'm also a bit bummed I haven't kept up with it and I've missed putting down memories that I don't have as clear in my head anymore. Plus, I've realized how little I take pictures anymore and my boys are changing right before my eyes. Life has been busy as a newly wed and now that we are about to introduce a new member into our family I want to make sure I document what's happening. So here is to the new year, my new resolution and my new blog!

For New Years Eve we had a nice (not so quiet) small family party with good food, games, and lots of family together-ness. The boys and I made Snowball cookies together. I realized it had been years since I baked cookies with my children. We had a good time. I let them do most of it. I let Skunk read the recipe (good reading practice) while Bug and I gathered ingredients and measuring utensils. Then I let Skunk mix the ingredients together as Bug measured and poured the ingredients into the bowl.

Don't let those angelic faces fool you...

Twinkie worked on a gun he is restoring while we baked. He may not look like it but he is having fun.

Can't wait for those cookies to come out!!

I do love having a good clean up crew available to me. ;)

After eating lil' smokies in grape chili sauce from the Crock pot, Won Ton Sausage Stars, Shrimp salad, crackers and onion cheese ball, pickles, and green olives....

We played the game of life... I laugh every time I see this picture. Twinkie has the BEST smile, don't you think?

OHHHHH!! There it is!!

Bug loves his play money.

After the game we watched a movie and wished each other Happy New Year... early.